Take and Make: Smarty Cat

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Intern Experience, Making Math, Museum, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Smarty Cat was a toy from the 1950s. It’s not really a slide rule, but it does show you all the math facts from 2×2 to 9×9. As you go you need fewer and fewer numbers because 9×2 is already in as 2×9 for example. We are giving away sets where you can draw your own cat/mouse/ghost or whatever animal you choose.

The Corel file is here and the pdfs, AI and other versions are in this folder. There are two pieces. Melissa and Naila printed and laminated the long thin pieces with the numbers and Jordan cut light colored cardstock with the slits and holes so kids can draw their own cat.  We made 300 sets for upcoming Austin Museum Day.

Here are some examples but we are really looking forward to the creativity of the kids!

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