Web Presentation for Talk Math with Your Friends.

Lauren SiegelCommunity Partnerships, Sharing Ideas, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

TMWYF is a great group that I really enjoyed meeting.  I hope to collaborate with them in the future.

Draw snow falling – now make dividing walls that meet – have you now  got the start of a turtle – or is it a map of 1854 London and you just need to add a square and some dots to represent people sick with Cholera – now you have John Snow’s Cholera Map  to be specific.  (note Brewery and infected people in first turtle.)  Forgot to mention that Dr. John Snow used his map and understanding of Cholera as a water borne disease to justify removing the pump handle.
October 29, 3:30-4:30 Eastern (12:30-1:30 Pacific). Lauren Siegel, MathHappens Foundation
I had a chance to talk about MathHappens Foundation’s work with the museum community, lead an activity on Voronoi diagrams and share an exhibit on pooled testing that we are working on.  I had a great time and me some new folks!
Mathematics outside of School: Why we need it. [Slides] [Pooled Testing Presentation]

For five years MathHappens Foundation has explored creative communication, novel learning environments and partnerships with informal education institutions like history museums, cemeteries, zoos, parks, movie theaters, medical associations and archives. Our approach to these efforts has been based in the notion that when we leave mathematics out of our cultural conversations we fail to provide connections, community context and collaborative learning experiences that show why we should learn mathematics, what we can use if for, and how we can apply this understanding to making a better world. Topics like the golden ratio, founding of epidemiology, multiple uses of the quadrant for construction, measurement and navigation, land survey systems, and more show how mathematical invention, devices and concepts are integral parts of our history, science and government. I’d like to talk about some of the work we have done, the projects we have sponsored and both the need and opportunity to do more in this era of extreme disruption to education.

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