Welcome to our inaugural Take and Make! With these posts, you will be able to access links with templates for some of our activities. You are invited to Take the idea and Make it your own. The examples shown below were made using 1/8″ baltic birch plywood, but you can also have fun making them out of paper or cardboard!
This first activity is on Koch Fractals. The Koch snowflake is one of the earliest fractals to have been described and is named after Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch. Using these pieces you can introduce the concept of fractal stages and provide a creative exploration of the relative geometries of the parts.
Here is the link to the outlines of the fractals. You can trace them or print them out and make as many copies as you want. Once you have enough pieces, be as creative as you want! You can decorate them, create patterns with them, and so much more. If you would like another file form to make your own contact us at [email protected].

In this photo, we provide a step by step depiction of how to construct the Koch fractal along with a list of materials of what a kit consists of, if you would like to make some of your own. Also included are some creative examples of the Koch fractals. These have been colored in to make various shapes, objects, and patterns.
guide sheet by MH staff member Paola Garcia.