Here are the CAD files we have so far. You should find AI, CorelDraw, SVG and EPS in these folders. We are not finished putting info on the puzzles, etc, so they are “drafts”. Please help yourself:
Hat Tile Frames for Pattern Blocks:
Hat Tile puzzle and/or Print Sheet
Find links to other frames for 21st Century Pattern Blocks in this document.Update: The puzzle made with Hat Tiles by Jordan Varat and Melissa Wilkinson is already in the MathHappens Room (March 26) at Austin Nature and Science Center. We’ll take a mini exhibit with us to Maker Faire in Los Angeles April 1.
We are not sure if all these tiles are place correctly. So far in this free build we were only forced to flip a tile over one time. Making a laser file with all these random positioning will take some extra time and we’d likely make a mistake. The “puzzle” version
with the hexagon gives us an image we can duplicate more efficiently across a board to loose less wood.