In 2019, we brought our suite of Navigation Math to New York to share how we relate math to Texas History and the voyage of La Belle which is on exhibit at the Texas State History Museum. Files to make our version of the Parallel Ruler are here. Files to make our version of the Compass Rose are here. Participants
MathHappens @ MoMath and A Great Evening in NY City.
We had a great evening with the MoMath Family Friday Audience with well over 100 people! Tessellating abounded. This display of Michelle Tat’s creative interpretations of the fifteen pentagons was very popular for photos after our talk! Did you notice the #1 tiling for the 40x 70″ display? We made a template you can laser cut and then trace. Our
See you at MoMath!
Join us a fun Family Friday, 10 January 2020 at the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City! Pentagonal Pursuit: Solving a Century-Old Tiling Problem — Explore the many types of tessellating tiles and decorate your favorites. Take away stories, art and patterns to inspire more discovery at home. Register now to save your spot! Follow us on Instagram
MathHappens @ New York’s Museum of Mathematics MOVES Conference
We brought our suite of Navigation Math to New York to share how we relate math to Texas History and the voyage of La Belle which is on exhibit at the Texas State History Museum. Participants learned about Mercator Maps, how parallel rulers are useful to translate lines so that course headings can be related to a compass rose. We