Geometric Shapes and Tools with Campers at STEM Santa FE

Lauren SiegelMaking Math, Take and Make, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

We took a “Maker” approach at STEM SantaFe’s camp this week.  Students experimented with different ways to make a moveable joint using a variety of materials:  balloon pieces, tin foil, brads, rubber band and even the wax paper bag the materials came in. Creative ideas included bending the brads to make tension, combining brads with balloons.  We also made 3

Saturdays with MathHappens at the Austin Nature and Science Center: Golden Ratio

Josephine ShengCommunity Partnerships, Nature & Science Center, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

To build on the exhibit already in place at the Austin Nature and Science Center, visitors were able to stop by our table and make their own golden ratio calipers. Alongside this activity, guests were given the opportunity to color in their own golden ratio spiral, which could then be made into a necklace. This ratio (1: 1.618…) is present