Here’s the rap. Me: Can we do a little math together? You: Sure! Me: Here’s a triangle, right? You: Yes. Me: OK. You hold these pieces; I’m gonna swap these, and your job is to fill in the empty space to make the same triangle a different way. … Eventually (anywhere from 10 seconds to 2 minutes later) Us: Oh
# 1 Nature Nights at the Wildflower Center: Bee Genetics
Paola headed to Nature Nights to present math connections to Bee Genetics. Drones have one parent: a Queen, and Queens have two: a Drone and a Queen. When we make the family tree….SURPRISE! Fibonacci Numbers! Participants made their own Bee, tessellated butterflies and used the model to see how the bee genetics relates to Fibonacci’s rabbit problem.
Nature and Numbers Exhibit Opening!
We were so pleased to participate in the Nature and Science Center’s Opening of the Nature and Numbers Exhibit. We brought our favorite Fibonacci and Golden Ratio activities, and a new Mirror Symmetry Art activity that was a big hit. To see a program with some additional information, follow this link. Team Photo – We had a great time.
Arbor Day at the Austin Nature and Science Center
Wow –fuzzy photos! But a great day doing math in the great outdoors. Over 900 people attended Arbor Day on October 21st, 2017 Outside we presented the Fibonacci Tree model that shows how the sequence relates to tree branch growth, rabbit populations and bee genetics Inside at the specimen and trading room we shared calipers that help show the golden
Fibonacci Numbers, Calculating The Golden Ratio with Sequences , Measuring with Proportional Calipers
The PROGRAM GUIDES The Measurement Activities (Mr. Morales/ Mr. Ahrens). In the planetarium We’ll have the giant calipers, the arm – wrist – hand proportional measurement tool, some pictures of various animals, the Hurricane Sandy Puzzle with its golden spiral, the Golden Ratio Hand Mirrors, and the calipers to give to each student. Students will also visit the specimen room