In 2019, we brought our suite of Navigation Math to New York to share how we relate math to Texas History and the voyage of La Belle which is on exhibit at the Texas State History Museum. Files to make our version of the Parallel Ruler are here. Files to make our version of the Compass Rose are here. Participants
MathHappens @ New York’s Museum of Mathematics MOVES Conference
We brought our suite of Navigation Math to New York to share how we relate math to Texas History and the voyage of La Belle which is on exhibit at the Texas State History Museum. Participants learned about Mercator Maps, how parallel rulers are useful to translate lines so that course headings can be related to a compass rose. We
Saturdays with MathHappens at the Austin Nature and Science Center: Compass Rose
Visitors learn about Mercator maps and why the compass rose is important for navigation. There are four decorative compass roses on this map and numerous rhumb lines. Outside the visitors center is a human sunclock!
Nature Day at the Austin Nature and Science Center
Theme: Get Outside! We did some survival math, sunlight tracking and compass rose designs. You can find a straight line from West to East if you track the shadow of a stick and mark its top over time. Then you can find North and South and relate that to a compass rose on a map and find your way.