Using an arts and crafts approach, we can teach a classic mathematics technique with low stress. We are providing the demonstration kit, a magnetic starter triangle and a simple straight edge (also magnetic) in sets of five as a door prize at this weekend’s Edcamp at Region 13, an UnConference for educators. We hope that the educators who win the kits will share them with teachers they work with.
We are including a Spiral of Theodorus Making Kit Handout and this link to a video explanation in Spanish that demonstrates how to make the Spiral of Theodorus with the starter triangles. Have fun!
Feedback from a teacher: “This is so relaxing!”
More feedback from a science teacher: This was great! I had students in my science class learn the process to make the spiral, then make their own. Once made, the spiral can be studied and explored. Students had the opportunity to try to understand it without direct guidance. And they took their ideas to their math teacher who was really interested and able to engage them in a discussion that really inspired the students.