Take and Make: Scott Kim Block by Block Jr- SE Branch Library

Lauren SiegelHouston, Library, Making Math, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Whether in 1″ Maple, or 1/2″ pine, or 5″ cardboard, this block set known as Block by Block Jr. designed  by puzzle designer Scott Kim has multiple uses and offers a variety of ways to practice spacial skills, problem solving and just have fun together.   We highly recommend this activity for all ages.


We ordered 1000 block from a Maple Landmark, a New England company so we could make sets to distribute.  The cardboard jumbo versions are 5″x5″  boxes from Uline.  We got the mini blocks that can be glued with a glue stick from Oriental Trading.

Scott’s build challenges and guides which are in this folder are great, and you can also use dot paper to practice drawing the block formations in perspective or just play!

SE Branch Library featured in this post is one of our first library installations, and the featured image is a candid taken by staff there in November.  The materials are durable!  In March 2023 we received this note:

Although I was not able to get a picture, I just wanted to share that I put out the Block by Block puzzle and some of the tangrams during our Homeschool Hangout today and two little girls aged 4 and 5, who had not met before but are now best friends, worked very intently and cooperatively on building the various 2-D and 3-D designs. They especially liked the bunny and the train, but they wished there was a unicorn. Just passing this along. 


Alicia, Southeast Branch | Youth Librarian

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