A benefit to collaboration is the sharing of success. As a provider of supplementary mathematics learning experiences, we have been in contact with Breakthrough Central Texas, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary for many years. This past year we were able to connect them with Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival Director Daniel Kline who provided opportunities for staff training and previews of their programs to administrators including Jennifer Karydas, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist. She sent us this note on December 19 and we are delighted to share it here. We will be featuring a festival kit and a JRMF workshop for educators in our offerings at the Houston House of Math.
“It’s with much appreciation I’m writing you both today. Thank you so much for being a connector for Breakthrough and JRMF. Over that past year, I’ve gotten to better know the work of JRMF by attending a few online activities and having one-on-one meetings with Daniel. I’m happy to share that we were able to incorporate a workshop co-led by Daniel and myself this fall.The AmeriCorps members raved about the workshop and games, and since then they’ve been trying out the activities in our after-school programs with a lot of positive feedback from the students.Thank you so much for your support over the years with math education and in particular for the introduction to JRMF. I am excited to be able to offer our students hands-on math learning experiences that encourage them to expand their understanding of different types of math skills and tap into more math enjoyment.”–Jennifer Karydas, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist.