Kickoff to Summer in Minnesota

Christopher DanielsonEvents, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

colorful spheres inside of wooden frames, forming a large triangular and a medium square pyramid. The frames are on a lush grassy surface

The Minnesota State Fair puts on an event to celebrate the beginning of summer (Kickoff to Summer) each Memorial Day weekend, and for the first time this year, MathHappens was on the scene. We brought Geometiles and an instant camera in order to build a 3D Shape Museum. We brought multi-colored spheres and frames for building pyramids and other shapes.

Feb 24th: MathHappens’ Big Busy Weekend!

Lauren SiegelWe think math is fun!Leave a Comment

On February 24th MathHappens’ four locations were open to the public in Autin, TX at the Nature and Science Center, and Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex, in Mankato, MN at the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota and in Albuquerque, NM at Explora!  Matt Hertel manages the space at the Nature and Science Center and Millennium and paused a moment to record

Buda Library STEAMfest

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Community Partnerships, Intern Experience, Library, Public LibrariesLeave a Comment

165 people of all ages were at the Buda Public Library on January 24 to celebrate Science, Technology, Art and Mathematics.  We had something for everyone at our tables.  Huston-Tillotson student and MathHappens intern Niela Williams did a great job facilitating and letting the community know about the free Math Room at ANSC.  We found out that the librarians in

Joint Mathematics Meeting 2024

Lauren SiegelWe think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Christopher Danielson and I headed to SF to help represent Math Communities in the American Institute of Mathematics booth.  We had a great time! We gave away hundreds of Curry Triangle Paradoxes, had dozens of conversations about remote internships and programs and shared some of our favorite models and then gave them away in a raffle.  Here are some of

Its open! MathHappens @ The Millenium Youth Entertainment Complex

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Parks & Recreation, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

What and who is at the Millenium Math Area? MathHappens Team:  Alexa Hernandez-Lopez, Jaiden Suda, Kriti Magar, and Dayanara Renteria launched this space with mentor Matt Hertel.  All our staff are taking spots in the rotation. We also feature a carpet to play with a Jumbo Blocks Jr. set, a Julia Robinson Math Festival maze mat, optical illusions for photos,

Field Trip: Austin High Biomimicry Cross Curricular Program

Lauren SiegelField Trips, Intern Experience, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

We had the pleasure of providing 3 of 6 rotations for this field trip for 150 students to the Austin Nature and Science Center.  Students are learning about biomimicry.  That is looking to strategies and physical formations in nature to develop ideas for engineering and invention in the man made world.  Station 1:  Voronoi Regions in turtle shells, dragonfly wings,

MathHappens @ Los Angeles Maker Faire

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Events, Intern Experience, Making Math, Mathematical Artifacts, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

April 1st, 2023 We staffed a booth at Maker Faire Los Angeles.  We brought some of our favorite models, activities and giveaways and we were also able to bring the brand new Hat Tile or Mono Tile newly discovered by an amateur mathematician. Intern Ella Basken made the trip and did an outstanding  job representing with the team.  Read Ella’s