MathHappens@Explora! Albuquerque, New Mexico

Lauren SiegelCommunity Partnerships, Museum, Nature & Science Center, Sponsoring Mathematics Projects, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

We are so happy to start this collaboration with Explora! in Albuquerque, NM.  Ishtar Rosario Medina, a student at University of New Mexico is coordinating this program and Queen Anderson also a student at UNM (rt below) is going to be a key facilitator. We were also honored to have the founder of CFEMAT, Dr. Hector Rosario at Explora hosting a festival in conjunction with our opening. Dr. Rosario has just published an article in MAA Focus about his festival and math eduction work.

Why is a MathHappens space different?  Our materials work on any tabletop and carpeted floor.  Physically and functionally these puzzles, activities, models and displays work for the youngest learners, but they contain concepts that interest all ages and all levels of mathematics.  Stack some spheres?  Great idea say the 3 year old and the math professor!  For detailed descriptions, see this guide.  We have our own versions of classics like Napier’s Bones and the Puzzle a Day, and some unique items we created from scratch.  We share links to our maker files, sources and any printable and any teaching guides we have.  We look forward to adding to this document, and to finding more ideas and materials that work for all and partners who can help us offer this resource to the public.


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