We had a great evening with the MoMath Family Friday Audience with well over 100 people! Tessellating abounded.
This display of Michelle Tat’s creative interpretations of the fifteen pentagons was very popular for photos after our talk! Did you notice the #1 tiling for the 40x 70″ display? We made a template you can laser cut and then trace.
Our slideshow is now in PDF form and available if you are interested to review or follow links to the youtube. We have written some presenter notes that describe the document camera portions and which go along with the 31 slides. The activity tile bags had labels with some directions.
The SkillMill Made some nifty take home kits with one of each tile and the handout and you can get more shapes from them by emailing to [email protected]
The handout that shows some of Michelle’s art work, each shape, its formula and how to do the tessellation is here.
Also access the laser files here in both Corel draw and Adobe Illustrator and make your own pentagon tiles .
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