Our partners for the booth were Geometiles and its founder Yana Mohanty who brought an amazing Olympic ring Geometiles sculpture and Professor Jason Harron of Kennesaw State University who made Pythagorean Theorem models and also brought an undergraduate with her Galton Board model. Lauren Siegel and Jordan Varat came for MathHappens with a variety of models, Infinity gum and other goodies to give away, a Tensegrity table made by Ella Basken, several mathemagical illusions and tricks from Martin Gardner and other sources and of course seed of life necklaces to color and keep.
Inside the booth the connecting theme was conversation. We not only met, talked, laughed and wondered with these visitors, in many instances they were enjoying interactions with each other as much or more.
We all had a great time at this event, enjoyed and appreciated our booth, as well as a hand delivered sandwich lunch.
Here’s a short movie featuring some creative thinking about Geometiles constructions and cell biology: IMG_2805
Here is a video of Dr. Harron’s Pythagorean model.: IMG_2814
Visitors were interested in how the models are made as well as the models themselves.IMG_7479
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