We had an amazing time at Austin Nature and Science Center! Photo Gallery to come! At ANSC, we shared with the public ways to understand math through art. We brought out our tessellating pentagons and regular shapes (squares, rectangles, etc.) and invited the public to go through the history that brought us to the 15 irregular tessellating pentagons that we know of today and be a part of that history.
Thank you to everyone at the Nature and Science Center who helped us prepare for this event and to all of our amazing staff. And most importantly, thank you to all of you that came out and enjoyed the 22nd Austin Museum Day.
Our Tessellation Certificate for participants at Museum Day
Download our handout. on Tessellations and Michelle’s Art
In 1900 David Hilbert gave a speech challenging mathematicians to solve 23 problems in the next century. #18 is about Tessellating Pentagons .(If you print these from this link use 80%)
This article from 1980 gives a good description of the progression toward finding all the types
Marjorie Rice’s Story by Doris Schattschneider
Michael Rao proves we’ve got them all 2017