Mathematics in the Community – 2017 Hydration Station

Lauren SiegelCommunity Partnerships, Making Math, Sharing Ideas, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

How can educator forge better relationships with their community?  This is a great example of reaching out to the community, providing useful information and showing how some calculations can be important in our day to day life.  In fall 2017 Amy Gross decorated a table, created a display of information, shared her hydration tracking system and samples of fruit infused water at the YMCA.  You can read about Amy’s project on her UTeach Showcase or just check out the pictures below.

Graduating student and current classroom teacher and coach Amy Gross completed the UTeach Maker certification.  For her community project she designed a hydration tracker, and education program for the public.  With a display of charts and graphs that explained not only the benefits to health of proper hydration but how to calculate the amount of water intake recommended for individuals based on their specific body and activity level.

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