It was a pleasure to present to the Joyful Math Jamboree. We updated our presentation on the Tessellating Pentagon Story which you can access here.
We also made (for the first time) some ok Geogebra Activities with our versions of the files. You can find the activities here.
These are some of the creative tessellation our group completed.
In addition to adding some visuals to help thing about collections and relating to collecting things, and we really wrote step by step how to do the “magic trick” that takes us to the development of the formula for Type #1. We also focused on and included two Gathering for Garndner videos from 2018. One is Doris Schattschneider presenting her work and correspondence with Marjorie Rice. There are examples of Rice’s invented notation and sketches here that are not available elsewhere. The other is a presentation by Jaap Scherpius whose computer animations really show the variations of each type, and whose earnest and unsuccessful bid to find the 15th is an interesting story on its own. The familiarity we get about Pentagon 1 from the magic trick, helps to understand the story he tells. And there are some pages at the end to print and color if you care to.
Thanks to Dr. Patterson for having us, it was a lot of fun!