Comments on conference sessions and field trips.

Lauren SiegelConference PresentationsLeave a Comment

We have been presenting at conferences, providing programming for math field trips, sending out math materials and collaborating with museums!

I can’t thank you enough for the items you made for me through MathHappens. If you are still making items I have a big list. I have several in-service teachers willing to write grants to get classroom sets if you are no longer making items. if you have a local maker that you are offloading work to. please give me the contact info!!
…..Glenn Larson
, Master Teacher Louisiana Tech
Feb. 2018

here’s the user feedback… overwhelmingly positive. …. March 2018

awesome! Great manipultors. Can’t wait to share

This was an amazing + helpful session

Thanks for a great workshop session last week at the UTeach conference. One of the best sessions I attended. I am wondering if you could send me the .eps files for the math manipulatives you used? In particular the unit circle and Fibonacci items?

I had the pleasure of being the dynamic presentation with the Maker movement and Mathematics. Like many, I was very impressed with the unit circle math manipulative, as well as the golden ratio calipers. When you have time, can you please send files or instructions for making both of those?

Thank you for sharing! I cannot tell you how excited our math master teachers were to play with the different calipers!

Awesome! Somethng for everyone. Love take homes
By far the most useful session I’ve been to …..UTeach Conference
May 2018

I want to thank you all so much for another awesome field trip!!! It runs so smoothly from our end and the kids really enjoyed the trip. I appreciate you accommodating them all in the movie first so they had a big picture of the day. I loved the activities- and they are all talking about it…..although the clicking of the parallel rulers drove us nuts on the way home!!! Love that they have a souvenir to take home and talk to their folks about. Thank you all for your hard work and time in planning such a great trip for our kids.

…..Kathy Lennox
Canyon Vista Middle School
May 2018
Thanks again for participating in this event. Working with MathHappens was really the trigger for looking for a Math exhibit to bring and for the building of the sundial.

…..Austin Nature and Science Center

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