Ken Hawthorn, educator and author of The Super Arduino Book who also writes about his teaching, new school and all things maker in collaborated with us by co-hosting in our MathHappens @ The Farmers Market program in summer 2022. He created this event, De-Sign Day and invited MathHappens’ Staff to support the very first one held at one of our favorite partners, calling it De-Sign Day @Neill Cochran House Museum. What is it all about? Repurposing political signs, learning new tools, creating and making. Here are some photos of MathHappens staff members Stefany Hernandez, Naila Hajiyeva, and Marianne Villanueva at the event. There’s a follow up event on January 17 here in Austin TX at Circle Brewing 5-8pm on January 17. Along with skills to use new materials, and meeting new makers in the community, we want to go to learn how to make a positive message math sign (from a sign), and also maybe craft a balance scale from old sign parts.
Collaboration with the Maker-Ed Community: De-Sign Day by Ken Hawthorn