Take and Make: Area Trick Puzzle

Lauren SiegelMaking Math, Math at Home, Newspaper Math, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, We think math is fun!, Zoom Friendly1 Comment

This one is easy fun and somehow a little bit magical.    Makes a great little math gift. The challenge is to make rectangles with pieces #1-5, #1-6, #1-7, and #1-8 (as below) Details, Instructions and Template Here. Here are the “versions” in a short video.   These pieces are made in relation to eachother so there are many versions

FAB16 Conference: Making and Math

Josephine ShengConference Presentations, Intern Experience, Making Math, Sharing Ideas, We think math is fun!, Zoom FriendlyLeave a Comment

Interns Saurav Gandhi and Anh Nguyen co-presented the “Making and Math” session at the FAB16 Conference. They presented several of the math models we have constructed over the years including Koch Fractals, Mini Unit Circles, and Curve Stitching.  Participants were shown how they can get creative with topics in Math by participating in making a Fractal Collage (see image gallery

Geometry Kit for Connected Learning Session/Rosenthal Prize Update

Lauren SiegelMaking Math, Math at Home, Take and Make, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!, Zoom Friendly1 Comment

MoMath has posted the Rosenthal Prize Lessons!  Check out ours called Building a Tool to Deepen Understanding here.  It has lots of great photos. We are very excited to present this activity as part of our presentation at Connected Learning Summit.  It has potential for a lot of great Maker elements.  You can start from scratch with two dots 2″

Take and Make – Voronoi Flipbook

Paola GarciaMaking Math, Math at Home, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!, Zoom FriendlyLeave a Comment

After talking with Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, we began searching for new ideas to interact with Voronoi Diagrams. During our pre-pandemic presentations and events we allowed people to interact with a Voronoi simulation that had been posted on Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Voronoi_growth_euclidean.gif While brainstorming we decided to buy a flipbook kit and test out what we could do with them. One of our

Take and Make: Icosahedron from Golden Rectangles

Josephine ShengMaking Math, Math at Home, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, We think math is fun!, Zoom Friendly2 Comments

We were inspired by a post on Twitter by Olivier Longuet shown below. The object in the photo is an icosahedron, a 20-sided 3D shape, made out of three golden rectangles with side lengths that obey the golden ratio (1:1.618033…). To make a cardboard version of the icosahedron, print out this document and follow the instructions! You can also make

Wald’s Survivorship Airplane Problem

Lauren SiegelMuseum, Sharing Ideas, Ways to like math, Zoom FriendlyLeave a Comment

This is a great example where mathematicians applied some creative thinking to solve a very real world problem.  It is Abraham Wald’s Survivorship Bias problem.  To help explain the sequence of concepts that lead to his insight, we made some wooden planes to help visualize the problem, and the solution. We start out thinking about the planes that come back

Take and Make: Making a Pool Test Apparatus

Lauren SiegelMaking Math, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, Teacher Support & Training, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!, Zoom FriendlyLeave a Comment

You don’t need robots and computers, just a system and apparatus to organize the steps! This model is based on the results alluded too but not completely explained by an Israeli company in the recent NY Times article by David Halbfinger on creative pool testing options.   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/21/health/fast-coronavirus-testing-israel.html Trying to come up with one of these is a great activity for