Take and Make: Area Trick Puzzle

Lauren SiegelMaking Math, Math at Home, Newspaper Math, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, We think math is fun!, Zoom Friendly1 Comment

This one is easy fun and somehow a little bit magical.    Makes a great little math gift. The challenge is to make rectangles with pieces #1-5, #1-6, #1-7, and #1-8 (as below) Details, Instructions and Template Here. Here are the “versions” in a short video.   These pieces are made in relation to eachother so there are many versions

2021 Guest Talk at UTeach Perspectives Class! on Oct 13

Lauren SiegelConference Presentations, History Connections, Making Math, Newspaper Math, Sharing Ideas, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

We had a few slides to introduce MathHappens to the group and then dove right in to a hot topic,  redistricting or Gerrymandering.  We just had the proposed new Texas map released, but none of the negotiated changes that came the next day on the 14th, so there were real examples of all 4 types of Gerrymandering which are cracking,

MathHappens in the Newspaper: The Austin Chronicle

Lauren SiegelMath at Home, Newspaper Math, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!5 Comments

We need more math where people can find it, play with it, and enjoy it. Therefore,  are excited to introduce our newest project: MathHappens in the Newspaper.  Elizabeth Wrightsman is heading this project and the rest of the team is contributing ideas, submissions, and landing pages for each week. Below you’ll find an up to date display of all our