MathHappens @ Austin Museum Day!

Lauren SiegelCommunity Partnerships, Mathematical Artifacts, Media, Museum, Nature & Science Center, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Here’s a link to an interview I did this morning with CBS Austin’s Trevor Scott.  MathHappens Foundation is an active participant in the Austin museum community.  We have learned a lot in eight years of collaborations about the way museums approach storytelling, sharing knowledge and ideas with an intent to spark interest and start conversations.  

Maker Math for Educators–Article Published!

Lauren SiegelMedia, Sharing Ideas, Teacher Support & Training, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Congratulations to Jason Harron, professor at Kennesaw State University and colleagues for publishing a paper based on an inservice teacher workshop called Maker Math: Exploring Mathematics through Digitally Fabricated Tools with K–12 In-Service Teachers. MathHappens Foundation provided many but not all of the models used in the workshop and discussed in the article and we really appreciate the author credit.  Jason is

First TV Interview with Jordan Bontke from CBS Austin

Lauren SiegelMediaLeave a Comment

I had an opportunity to talk with CBS Austin reporter Jordan Bontke this evening.  I was talking about the MoMath Rosenthal Prize and MathHappens Foundation, and Jordan was mostly  looking for statement relevant to TEA released standardized test scores that showed students have lost ground since 2019.  In the clip where mostly I said that students need time away from screens