Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park in Dallas, Texas is a great place! Their vision is “to provide a safe and natural oasis where the Dallas Community and other visitors can have fun while they Explore, Experience, Entertain, and Educate themselves.” We are very excited to be a part of it. Find out more on their website. From 11 am
Austin Museum Day 2024!
Museum Day in Austin, Texas happens on the 2nd to the last Sunday in September. Weather is still warm and beautiful, but kids are back in school and families are ready to spend a day laughing and learning together. This year over 35 museums opened their doors offering free admission, special activities and a wonderful day out for the Austin
AAAS-PD Conference at University of San Diego
The American Association for the Advancement of Science – Pacific Division is a conference we’ve been interested in for several years. In 2024, our colleague Joan Horvath, who we’ve worked with at MakerFaire Los Angeles and other events invited us to participate in her session. Matt Hertel created a presentation to share the math room concept, where we are today
MathHappens @ the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota!
Now open! As of today, MathHappens has a math engagement/play space in the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota. This is a beautiful museum that contains original exhibits designed to connect to every day life in and around Mankato, MN. From corn ears to play pigs, the museum provides the kind of hands-on play-based learning that we love. Play spaces abound
STEME Conference Presentation by Texas State University/Breakthrough Summer Interns
This summer, four students from Texas State University and the Breakthrough Central Texas program, Alexa Hernandez-Lopez (Biology), Jaiden Suda (Marketing), Dayanara Renteria (Biology), and Kriti Magar (Nursing), joined MathHappens for a summer internship program. Over the course of the summer, these students had the opportunity to engage in multiple aspects of the MathHappens internship experience. Aspects of the internship included,