MathHappens participated in the playground where we had an opportunity to show our models, and debut the complete set of Tessellating pentagons as well as Penrose tiles. In addition we offered a session on working with the museum community to combat math misery (presentation slides here), and build a sense of purpose and community in math class. And we moderated
Mardi Nott Presents at AACTM
On Saturday, Mardi Nott presented about math field trips with MathHappens at the AACTM Winter Conference. AACTM stands for Austin Area Council of Teacher of Mathematics, which is affiliated with the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM). Our presentation slides are available here. Mardi presented about field trips she has done to the Austin Nature and Science Center, Harry
Region XIII Ed Camp – Unconferencing
Very excited to participate in this conference. Lauren, Abdul, Paola and Ben all attended and also led sessions and learned a lot about this new format. Discussion based, the sessions are facilitated rather than led. Project based learning, maker spaces, equity and math were all on the topic lists. Teachers were really interested in the Napier’s Bones models we
Spiral of Theodorus – Relax with Math
Using an arts and crafts approach, we can teach a classic mathematics technique with low stress. We are providing the demonstration kit, a magnetic starter triangle and a simple straight edge (also magnetic) in sets of five as a door prize at this weekend’s Edcamp at Region 13, an UnConference for educators. We hope that the educators who win the kits
Abdulkarim Bora takes MathHappens to Shreveport
Louisiana Joint Math and Science Conference “Full STEAM Ahead.”
RME Conference Presentation in the Caymans
We had a great time presenting our session – link to powerpoint here, and we look forward to hearing from some of the educator leaders we met here. They work in various countries around the Caribbean as well as the US, England and Europe. We attended their last conference in Boulder, CO in 2015 where we got some inspirations and ideas
Big Week!
This week is a big week for MathHappens. On Tuesday, we will be presenting a session at the AISD Language Arts & Social Studies Institute. Our session is titled “Connecting Language Arts and Social Studies with Mathematics.” We’ll be talking about the Vitruvian Men, Gulliver’s Travels, navigation tools, and our field trip offerings, all of which relate to mathematics. We’ll
Heading to Noyce Summit
Abdulkarim Bora, UTeach Maker Teaching Fellow and Noyce Scholar, is heading to Washington, D.C. for the Noyce Summit. He will be presenting with Dr. Shelly Rodriguez, UTeach Maker Director, and another UTeach Maker Teaching Fellow, Kyle Albernaz. He is also taking some interactive MathHappens materials with him to hand out to conference attendees! What will they be receiving? Find out
Comments on conference sessions and field trips.
We have been presenting at conferences, providing programming for math field trips, sending out math materials and collaborating with museums! I can’t thank you enough for the items you made for me through MathHappens. If you are still making items I have a big list. I have several in-service teachers willing to write grants to get classroom sets if you
AISD Midwinter Math and Science Conference
We had an opportunity to share our models and most recent field trip ideas at the AISD Math and Science Conference. We presented a session and also loaded two tables with examples of our work.