The Matrix x Imaginary Conference that happens every two years brings together math museums and math outreach organizations and educators from around the world, including Eastern Europe, and Australia. Some of our favorite folks from MoMath, SUMM, and MMACA were there. We had a great time at the talks and in our time manning our display table. After the conference
AAAS-PD Conference at University of San Diego
The American Association for the Advancement of Science – Pacific Division is a conference we’ve been interested in for several years. In 2024, our colleague Joan Horvath, who we’ve worked with at MakerFaire Los Angeles and other events invited us to participate in her session. Matt Hertel created a presentation to share the math room concept, where we are today
Real Places Conference Exhibit Table Math in Texas History
We love having conversations about math and these were all about Texas history too! The Texas History Center’s 8th annual Real Places Conference attracts museums of all kinds. It was a great opportunity to share and showcase some of our land survey artifacts including a real Vara Chain, a 1/2 Gunter Chain, a document written by Robert Creuzbauer that explains
STEME Conference Presentation by Texas State University/Breakthrough Summer Interns
This summer, four students from Texas State University and the Breakthrough Central Texas program, Alexa Hernandez-Lopez (Biology), Jaiden Suda (Marketing), Dayanara Renteria (Biology), and Kriti Magar (Nursing), joined MathHappens for a summer internship program. Over the course of the summer, these students had the opportunity to engage in multiple aspects of the MathHappens internship experience. Aspects of the internship included,
2023 Construct 3d Conference Team: Ella Basken and Jordan Varat
Update: Ella Basken created this Presi slideshow of her conference experience. Its great! At the Construct 3d 2023 conference in NY Ella and Jordan are presenting a variety of models and a poster about the use of these models to enhance mathematics education. You can contact Ella at: [email protected] and Jordan at: [email protected] Ella is our 3d print expert and
Networking: IEEE Conference, Baltimore MD
This conference was a great opportunity to meet some bright young people running poster sessions, hear some talks on NSF initiatives in STEM education and network with other exhibitors all in the John’s Hopkins Physics Building. Matt Hertel, coordinator of the MathHappens Room at Austin Nature and Science Center and MathHappens Co-Founder and board member Phil Siegel were both there.
Fab Educators Summit
We had a great time presenting to the Fab Educators Summit. Quan Nguyen and I presented a workshop session included five math making projects as well as some examples of ways fab labs can support math teachers and students in schools, libraries and maker spaces. See the slides here. If you or your organization would like to know more about
2021 Guest Talk at UTeach Perspectives Class! on Oct 13
We had a few slides to introduce MathHappens to the group and then dove right in to a hot topic, redistricting or Gerrymandering. We just had the proposed new Texas map released, but none of the negotiated changes that came the next day on the 14th, so there were real examples of all 4 types of Gerrymandering which are cracking,
Make: Education Forum Presentation Sept 25
Thanks to the the Make: Education Forum for a great conference! From the Q&A: The slides I presented are available here. One book I really recommend, Ernest Irving Freese’s Geometric Transformations by Greg Frederickson. The book has had written plates by an architect that can be recreated in Corel or other graphics software. Some of the designs are great for
FAB16 Conference: Making and Math
Interns Saurav Gandhi and Anh Nguyen co-presented the “Making and Math” session at the FAB16 Conference. They presented several of the math models we have constructed over the years including Koch Fractals, Mini Unit Circles, and Curve Stitching. Participants were shown how they can get creative with topics in Math by participating in making a Fractal Collage (see image gallery