STEME Conference Presentation by Texas State University/Breakthrough Summer Interns

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Community Partnerships, Conference Presentations, Math Rooms, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

This summer, four students from Texas State University and the Breakthrough Central Texas program, Alexa Hernandez-Lopez (Biology), Jaiden Suda (Marketing), Dayanara Renteria (Biology), and Kriti Magar (Nursing), joined MathHappens for a summer internship program. Over the course of the summer, these students had the opportunity to engage in multiple aspects of the MathHappens internship experience. Aspects of the internship included,

AISD Austin High Math Department Offsite at Pearl St. HQ

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Events, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Matt Hertel, Jordan Varat and Tyson Geigenmiller hosted Ms. Mardi Nott’s Austin High math department offsite meeting.  The AISD math teachers toured our facility and learned about our laser and how we use technology to create physical math models that promote math literacy. The teachers left with new ideas on how to communicate math effectively and with new models to

2023 Construct 3d Conference Team: Ella Basken and Jordan Varat

Lauren SiegelConference Presentations, Events, Intern Experience, Making Math, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Update:  Ella Basken created this Presi slideshow of her conference experience.  Its great! At the Construct 3d 2023 conference in NY Ella and Jordan are presenting a variety of models and a poster about the use of these models to enhance mathematics education.  You can contact Ella at:  [email protected] and Jordan at: [email protected] Ella is our 3d print expert and

Professional Development: Bullock Field Trip and Workshop Visit

Lauren SiegelField Trips, History Connections, Intern Experience, Making Math, Museum, Teacher Support & Training, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

We had a great visit to the Pearl Street workshop and gallery today by professor Dawn Kidd, an Adjunct Instructor at Lamar University.  Her students are preservice teachers who will be teaching deaf and hard of hearing students.  They started with a workshop visit with Jordan where they learned how to make a heart – square- circle dissection model.  Ella

Partner Spotlight: Seattle Universal Math Museum Outreach

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Community Partnerships, Events, Making Math, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

We have been sharing ideas, materials, CAD files and finished models with a variety of partners.  The folks at SUMM, the Seattle Universal Math Museum has been bringing math activities to the greater Seattle area as well as attending teaching conferences and hosting events.  These photos are exciting for us because SUMM partnered with a local makerspace, sourced and manufactured

Colloquium Talk Texas State Math Camps

Lauren SiegelMuseumLeave a Comment

It was an honor and a pleasure to give a colloquium address for the math campers at Texas Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp on June 9 2023.  We brought the following items for each of the students with enough for camp staff as well.  In the talk we shared some of the ways we use these models for math outreach.

Volunteer Event: Google

Lauren SiegelWe think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Kylie Schmidt, account manager at Google in Austin arranged for a volunteer group of nine to visit our new location to build some models with our team members.  On hand from MathHappens were Georgia Thomsen, Melissa Wilkinson, Alexa Hernandez, Jaiden Suda, Megan Do, Tyson Geigenmiller, Stefany Espinoza and Jordan Varat. Our time together included a visit to the workshop where

Its open! MathHappens @ The Millenium Youth Entertainment Complex

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Parks & Recreation, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

What and who is at the Millenium Math Area? MathHappens Team:  Alexa Hernandez-Lopez, Jaiden Suda, Kriti Magar, and Dayanara Renteria launched this space with mentor Matt Hertel.  All our staff are taking spots in the rotation. We also feature a carpet to play with a Jumbo Blocks Jr. set, a Julia Robinson Math Festival maze mat, optical illusions for photos,