Austin Museum Day Part 2: Harry Ransom Center

Lauren SiegelLibrary, Museum4 Comments

MathHappens was happy to be back at the Harry Ransom Center for Austin Museum Day.

Activities for the day were based on the Ransom Center’s Lewis Carroll collection. Our math activities included making your own secretly coded name tag using a cipher key based on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. We had tangrams which could be rearranged to look like the White Hare or Mad Hatter. We also had the famous 64=65 puzzle to play with and to give away. And lastly, we also had a coin trick puzzle which Lewis Carroll would show off at social gatherings. Our version involved trying to get a quarter through a dime-sized hole in a piece of paper.

Elizabeth, Krystyna, and Michelle had fun interacting with visitors and demonstrating a connection between literature and mathematics. We thank the staff over at Harry Ransom Center for welcoming us back to host activities on Austin Museum Day.

To read more about our activities at other locations on Austin Museum Day, please click the following links:

4 Comments on “Austin Museum Day Part 2: Harry Ransom Center”

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