Take and Make: T-Puzzles

Lauren SiegelMaking Math, Mathematical Artifacts, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

The T-Puzzle is a very old puzzle and it comes in several versions.  In the version we made, the width and height are the same.   Jordan Varat cut a board with silhouettes  as puzzles that we will send to our math rooms in Austin, Mankato and Albuquerque.  Megan Do worked on the CAD files and created the printable silhouettes

Take and Make: A Bat Butterfly Puzzle for Halloween

Lauren SiegelCommunityLeave a Comment

We participated in Longhorn Halloween this year!  Megan Do, Naila Hajiyeva, Ella Basken and Stefany Espinoza came out on a rainy Sunday October 29 2023 for this annual event.  Kids could weigh their candy with our balance scale and base 3 weights of 1, 3, 9 and 27 oz.  We also had puzzles to do and others to take home.

Take and Make: The new Spectre Tiles for Math Teacher’s Circle of Austin

Lauren SiegelCommunity, Events, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Professor Jennifer Austin hosts this great group and some of our favorite friends were in attendance.  The plan was to have teachers put together a tabletop magnetic whiteboard display of the Einstien or Hat Tile discovered in March this year, but …. Surprise! another tile, called the Spectre that does not have to be reflected to tessellate was discovered just

Take and Make: First Versions of Hat Tiles and 21st Century Pattern Block Frames for Hat Tiles

Lauren SiegelMaking Math, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

Here are the CAD files we have so far.  You should find AI, CorelDraw, SVG and EPS in these folders. We are not finished putting info on the puzzles, etc, so they are “drafts”.  Please help yourself: Hat Tile Frames for Pattern Blocks:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZjuZCc3k03KoHrcOjYicwiu5ZTaVfUB1?usp=sharing Hat Tile puzzle and/or  Print Sheet  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/177BM6RlwbfdT-kX7dUzWYCxD8hpxH34g?usp=sharing Find links to other frames for 21st Century Pattern

Take and Make: Tusi couple for a UT Perspectives Class

Lauren SiegelCommunity Partnerships, Making Math, Mathematical Artifacts, Take and Make, Teacher Support & Training, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

The Tusi couple is a mathematical device in which a small circle rotates inside a larger circle twice the diameter of the smaller circle.  With this relationship of diameters, each point on the circumference of the smaller circle actually follows a linear path as the rotation occurs. Here’s a link to a video so you can see it in motion. Files to

Take and Make: Shisima Game from Kenya for SE Branch Library

Lauren SiegelEvents, Intern Experience, Library, Mathematical Artifacts, Spanish version, Take and Make, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

SE Branch library invited us to participate in their event celebrating music from Kenya.  We found a new strategy game two player strategy game called Shisima that is related to tic-tac-toe, that originates from Kenya.  Melissa Wilkinson cut and made the design that Stefany Espinoza created.  Quan Nguyen and Marianne Villanueva brought the game to SE Branch, participated in some drumming and

Take and Make: Trammel Kit

Lauren SiegelMaking Math, Sharing Ideas, Take and Make, Ways to like math, We think math is fun!Leave a Comment

12-28 Update.  We continue to iterate on the Trammel Project.  Dr. Sereveny’s students at Riverbend Community Math Center have updated the files with a larger hole for the pencil/pen and they are working on an adjustable arm so we can make multiple shapes (of Ellipses). And they sent Links to the Hardware screws and filament: Hardware: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XRX2F4Q/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2N32G193BWL7U&psc=1 We use a